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February 23, 2014


Joanna...........Pamela has such a beautiful home filled with such lovely collections! thank you for sharing this with us! :)

Oh, to be surrounded by such inspiration and joy.... Heaven on earth! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you, JoAnnA for posting all about Pamela. what a very, very whimsical gal she is...I could definitely live in her house and never grow old.

Teresa in California

The pictures so look like Pamela and all her talent and creativeness! Thanks for sharing these photos!

So very lovely and fascinating!
Greetings from New York.

That was a really fun tour. So many things to look at. Think of you often and say a prayer. Diane

Thank you I am honored to be included in your amazing blog.. I LOVED the day we spent together and hope we can do it again soon.. much Love.. Pamela

Thank you Joannah for sharing. Yes indeed it warms the soul to have a few things like those from yesterday. I keep those we have from the family and mixed them with modern decoration items and they make it!.

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