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July 08, 2013


This looks like such a wonderful product. Thank you for sharing the link!
You look wonderful, BTW!
Teresa in California

Hello, I would love to win, I could really use it! You look wonderful! Have a wonderful week and thank you for the opportunity. Hugs, Terri

Just want to say that I love your blog. I somehow found it - probably through Pinterest and I am definitely going to take one of your online classes. Love your work and your Etsy site as well.

Love the chance for this beauty improvement ! You look amazing !

sounds like good stuff! count me in

WoW, what a lovely give~away. I haven't yet had the chance to try out organic facial products.... So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!


How cool is that Giveaway! Being a Naturopath/Homoeopath for about 25 years I have only used organic products on my skin and this looks to be a real natural product based on vegetables, plants, herbs, oils and Vitamins (probably what we should be eating LOL!) so count me in dear woman!
You are a blessing to all of us who so love your artwork and inspire us so abundantly.
I shall now post this on my sidebar too and wish for you
continued support with love and nourishment in your quest
for healing.
Healing hugs dear woman,

Hello Joanna,

I just looked at their website and I saw that their products are made without cruelty to animals.
I'm vegan, and that's what I always look first before buying a product. It is not tested on animals beings, and it contains no animal matter.
Personally, I mostly use brands like MELVITA for skin care, and then ÜNT and URBAN DECAY for makeup.

Nice day :)

I Love everything you said about it! I am going to check out how much it is I have been using Airbonne for several years now but would love to find a less castly approach to beauty.
Thanks for Sharing the Love, Cara
[email protected]

This sounds AWEmazing!! :)
[email protected]

I have been trying a few creams lately, and not seeing a big difference. I don't need a miracle, jsut some improvement! I have such dark circles under my eyes!

Love the picture of you and Willow!

I would love to try the product on my neck. Hope all is well with you and Ron. Take Care

LOL... My sweet Hobie, loves to lick any lotions I put on...even Noxema. Put me down for the giveaway. I love any new lotions to try.
XXOO Marie Antoinette

Would love a chance to try it....I keep seeing those annoying little lines too....can't imagine why ;). Thanks for the opportunity!! Love your art JoAnna!!
Blessings to you, Linda

I have some serious baggage....if it worked for Nellie, maybe it will help me too! Here I thought you were looking so beautiful because you had lost weight and all the while you have been using firming cream! LOL Thanks for a chance to win!

This sounds lovely, thank you for thinking of us. We love you!

Such good reviews,sounds very interesting.

What a wonderful giveaway Joanna I would love to try these products! Thanks for the opportunity.

Nellie sure does a great job of describing how wonderful this product must be. I would love to have a chance to win these products as I need some skin care help desperately! I'll post this giveaway on Facebook too. Have a fabulous day JoAnna!


I'll give anything a try to get rid of dark circles... good to hear a testimonial from someone I trust...

I've not heard of this product, but it certainly sounds interesting, as the minutes go by, and I'm getting older and older! Ha! I'd love to give this a try! Thank you for the opportunity!


What perfect timing...I was just talking with my sister that I am in a skin care rut...I need a new routine for older skin..approaching 50. I am still using the same old soap and toner from my twenties..I get so overwhelmed by all the products out there, there are I just stay with the same ole same ole.

I would love to try something new! Thanspks Jo for this the wonderful opportunity!

[email protected]
Ps. How is Ron doing? Well I hope!

You are GLOWING! Hope I get a chance to try this product- don't know if it available here in the Philippines :^) patsy.paterno (at)

My dogs have always wanted to lick the good stuff off me when I apply it too! I hope I win because I want to try the arm flap treatment! ;-) I can fly to Cleveland if I just can keep my arms moving long enough!

My skin could use a boast...hope I win. p.s. you look great.

Nice giveaway...I would love a chance to win.

Sounds fab. Would love to win! Hope all is well.

My dearest Joanna,
this sounds almost too goood to be true- what a wonderful project, -and this coming from dear Nellie, and you,-I know it must be a fantastic product!!
Joanna, I so hope the medication is still working wonderful for you, and keeping the pain away,- I hope it will for many years, untill you have to start on another one!!! I keep you in my thoughts and my heart every day... I alwayes have ,you know- and now more than ever!!
I love you,- most loving and generous dear friend.
Your Dorthe

I would love to win! Sending prayers your way.

[email protected]

wow sounds great - I would love to give it a try!
gonna share on Facebook too!

Hi Joanna.... sounds like the perfect pick-me-up, self pampering that would uplift a caregiver's life! Great idea. Thanks

I have sags....please pick me! ;)

Joanna, you are incredible all the way around ~ You inspire me with your strength, courage, free spirit and all that you are and your art, kicks A-S! :) Wish I could meet you in person!
Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway........
Prayers always for you and your darling hubby :)
[email protected]

If I can look as good as you, Joanna, bring it on!

Queen Marcy
[email protected]

I would love to be entered in your giveaway, Joanna.

Aren't we girls always looking for the perfect bra, the perfect jeans, the perfect moisturizing cream??? I'd love to win this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. xo

thank you for this. keeping you and ron in my prayers. i will share on facebook for a second chance! i have not taken such good care of my skin, and at 58 need to start! would love to try this. xo carlanda

thank you for offering a chance for this beautiful giveaway! continued prayers for you and Ron :) [email protected]

Shared on facebook and going to put it on my blog in a few minutes. Hope you are feeling better. Keeping you and Ron in my prayers.
[email protected]

I have heard wonderful things about this product. Thank-you for the sweet giveaway. Continue prayers for you and Ron.

[email protected]

Wow..I use Mary Kay and would love to try this product!! This heat in AZ is not good for my skin!!

Love how you look! Trying the products would be great!! Hope you are doing well. Saying prayers

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