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December 09, 2011


Hi Johann's...a while back you posted the tut for making the mirrored glass pendants and I've lost it. Would you be so kind to send the link? Thanks bunches....Mollye


Merry Christmas ~ xox

Just gorgeous Jo. Wishing you and Ron the happiest and healthiest holiday and 2012.

it's been so long since i stopped by joanna. richard and i got back together and moved to a huge house overlooking ventura so have been in the throes of unpacking and decorating.

today is possible the first day i have to actually sit down quietly and spend time doing what i like most in the morning.

these glass ornaments are exquisite. make more since i would love to have one in the new house. there are many of your creations already hanging in the studio which promises to be the best i've had so far.

hope ron is better, i haven't kept up as i should with his progress and that christmas will find you happy and safe and worry-free.

I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful art.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from UpAndAwayStudio.

Just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas. I cant wait to see what goodies you have up your sleeve for the coming year! Love these new creations!

Gloriously beautiful!

Very nice, Joanna.

These are stunning!!

These are gorgeous. I want to come over and see how you do this!! Seriously. Soon k??


I love these, good thing I bought a couple. I have some good friends that want to know if you are planning on teaching this technique at a workshop?

They are all so very beautiful. I especially like the oval one. Kudos!

They ARE fabolous dear Joanna, just fantastic fabolous- and all so quickly gone.I love the beauty you have reached with the mercury glass techniuque.
Love you dear.


So beautiful have you thought about doing an online class for these. It would be one I would love to take. The mercury glass technique is beautiful.

You're always an inpsiration Jo. And yes these would be beautiful ornaments too. Ones I would keep out all year long! :)


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